
A few weeks ago I was at church. This particular Sunday I was scheduled to serve in another area. Right before service a friend asked if I could help with something towards the end of the church service. I said I could just slip in for it but really didn’t think much of it at the time. I went from what I was doing earlier and slipped in and stood at the back of the room and caught the sermon for the day. It was on encouragement and I was encouraged and I pray this encourages you too. I believe on a day where I would not catch the message until watching it later I was able to watch it in person and then review later. There’s so many who encourage me regularly and I pray I encourage you too. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.1 Thessalonians 5:11 I’ll post a video of the service below. If you have time I’d encourage you to go all the way back for the worship time too for encouragement!

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