
I’ve mentioned before listening to music and encouraging words while I work. One that I recently listened to is The Art of Vulnerable Communication by Craig Groeschel with Albert Tate. I’ve not heard Mr. Tate before but really enjoyed the video. I’ll post a link to the video below. I ended up rewinding this video some and taking notes. I’ll post my notes below:

  • “I want to inspire people that work with me”
  • “They’ll never forget how you made them feel when you walked into the room and you heard about something painful in they’re life and you just sat with them. They’ll never forget that.”

This line made me think of a moment I had a few weeks ago. I missed a moment to be an encouragement to someone. We were at the doctor. I was up at the counter filling out insurance paperwork and not paying attention. I heard a man start talking to the receptionists then he said have you had surgery. I didn’t realize it but soon found he was talking to me. When I looked up he asked again about my experiences with surgery. In my distraction I just said “Yes, it was tough…” Come to find out this man had just been told he needed a surgery and was scared. Thankfully my wife was able to speak into the moment and encourage him and I tried to say a few things encouraging but the moment had been lost.

If I had been thinking I would have said yes I had a surgery that was tough. This doctor and nurses were the best. My family and friends were/are a huge encouragement to me. Prayer and the power of God was instrumental in all this time. I would say I could go on and on about it but I know many prayers were answered before and after surgery.

The man was beyond kind. We laughed a bit together, he offered prayer and we were able to offer prayer for his surgery. He ended up getting his question answered then left. If I had been thinking I would try to be an encouragement and pray with him in person.

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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