Much Needed Rain

I read last week that it was 20 days in Little Rock without rain, now we’ve had some big rains and storms! I posted the other day about planting some flowers for my daughter. I put a sprinkler on them and below is a photo of how they germinated.

Pollinator garden that was covered by sprinkler
The part of pollinator garden not covered by the sprinkler. There’s some germination now that it has rained.
This is a weed I have trouble with in my garden each summer. I’ve tried to get help with identifying it but so far no luck. It sort of looks like a morning glory but not quite. I’m hoping the pollinators can get ahead of them!
I thought this was neat. I’ve never seen a Brown Recluse spider but I believe this is one. It’s hanging out on one of my sunflowers.
I cannot wait to see these Mongolian Giant Sunflowers!
But for now we’re enjoying these Chocolate Cherry Sunflowers.
I planted these Topazio Beans a little over a week ago. With the dry weather only a few came up but after the rain they have jumped up. I had given up on them and was already thinking of something else to plant, glad I didn’t.
I’ve had some trouble with getting a cover crop started here but my buckwheat is coming in after the rain.
Now on to my trouble. My Indigo Rose tomatoes are looking a little rough. I sure am looking forward to trying these, I hope they make it!

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

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A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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