Two Weeks Later Rooting Tomatoes (Part 3)

Today I am continuing on my tomato rooting journey. You can get the previous part 2 here. After two weeks in the potting soil and me watering the plants once a day after a week of watering twice a day the photos below is of their progress. Next we’ll see how they do planted. So far in pots under lights they look great.

Tomato Cuttings Two Weeks After Planting
Remember what they looked like after potting?

Root Growth After Two Weeks
Root Growth After Two Weeks
Let’s Compare…At Potting vs. Two Weeks

I wish now I had put the cuttings in separate pots after one week since the root growth was so substantial after one week. At two weeks it was a bit difficult to get them separated out. Well there’s a lesson for next time I guess! Now we’ll see how they do growing in the dirt.

What’s next? A look of the plants in the ground is coming next Thursday. Subscribe to the blog for updates by clicking the Subscribe Button below. I’ll send a link to all updates on this project to subscribers.

Rooting Tomato Cuttings (Part 1)

One Week Later Rooting Tomatoes (Part 2)

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Thank So Much! -Michael

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