States I’ve Visited (Map)

I thought I’d do something a little different for this 4th Of July post. Instead of my usual garden update as I typically do on Tuesday I’ll do something a little different. Don’t worry my gardener friends I’ll do a garden update tomorrow!

The other day I saw a post on Facebook of someone posting a list of states they’ve visited. Me being the map nerd I am I thought a map of this might be neat to see. I created one quickly (It took longer to find a state boundary file and check the states I’ve been to than anything) and thought I’d share it here.

With this map I can see more of parts of our country I need to visit with yellow being the states I’ve visited.

Would you like a map like this? The first 12 contacts I get I’ll send you a form to fill out of states you’ve visited then a free map from that form like the one above. Just type in your e-mail and I’ll send you a message.

Happy 4th Of July!

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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