Alaska – The Views (Part 2)

We recently took a family vacation to Alaska. This trip has been a goal of ours since we had kids. When we were married we took an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon trip but said we wanted to go back and just experience Alaska as a family and not part of the cruise crowds. I’m super thankful we finally got to go on this trip. For the month of July I’ll be posting some of my photos from the trip. When I got home and looked through my camera I had over 500 pictures on my camera and iPhone. I whittled that down to 82, from the 82 I’ll share some of our memories from the trip so I can look back on it in the future.

Today I’ll start with Potter’s Marsh. Potter’s Marsh was probably our favorite stop as we stopped in there four or five times. Potter’s Marsh is just south of Anchorage on the Seward Highway. It’s boardwalks are built above a marsh. The wildlife and scenery there was too numerous to catch it all!

On our trip we flew into Anchorage, rented a car, then drove to Seward. I could spend a full day on the drive to Seward as it was beautiful and stops were everywhere you looked! On our way back to Anchorage from Seward we passed Potter’s Marsh. We saw a moose from the Seward Highway and pulled in. A moose was on our list of something we wanted to see. My kids ran down the boardwalk to see it. There was no catching them! They were very excited to see a moose!

At Potter’s Marsh there’s two boardwalks. One that goes along the edge closer to the highway. This is the moose from that boardwalk.
The other fork of the boardwalk goes more into the marsh. We didn’t go that way first because from the highway the moose was more out in the marsh but did walk on in to where got a good view.

We watched the moose for a while. Then…

…A young Moose stepped out!
…Then a second young moose walked out, twins! The second didn’t stay around long so this is the only picture I got of it. Talking to a volunteer at the park he said the second is a male and usually wanders off on it’s own most of the time. The first one is a young female and she stayed close with her mom the rest of the time. Boys, gotta love ’em!

We stayed at Resurrection Lodge on the Bay in Seward and I could not recommend it more! We were treated like longtime friends by everyone there from the moment we arrived. From what I hear it books up fast but if you want a truly great experience in Seward with great people please check them out!

The view from the lodge was amazing!
The view from the lodge was amazing!
The view from the lodge was amazing!
The view from the lodge was amazing!
The view from the lodge was amazing!
The View From our Room

Watching wildlife from the lodge was my favorite part.

Beach combing was my kid’s favorite activity and the lodge had water boots they could use.

Next we’ll jump to Exit Glacier outside of Seward. We drove out to Exit Glacier one afternoon and the area was beautiful! Let me say at Exit Glacier I was thankful for my family’s help at walking to it and the exercise I’m getting at Paradigm Fitness here in Monticello and particularly the guidance from Monica with Paradigm each week! It was a tough trail. We got nearly there when the trail got very tough. We discussed it and my wife decided to take the kids on while I waited since it was getting so tough. They came back and said they thought I could make it with some help. I’m thankful for the opportunity, encouragement, and help in getting me there! I’m particularly thankful for my wife and kids grabbing my arm at times when I needed it, the encouragement they gave, and the walking stick my son handed me to help!

The trail where I stopped
The trail where I stopped
Exit Glacier. I know that I would not have seen this glacier without help along the way! I’m thankful.

Whew! That’ll wrap up my second post on the trip. I think this will be the longest one. I’ll post again next Thursday. Please subscribe below if you’d like to receive an e-mail when I do post.

Alaska Part 1

I’m reposting this picture. It’s a reminder to me as walking down on the beach to get it was tough. I think I’ll have to do something with it to remind me.

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

6 thoughts on “Alaska – The Views (Part 2)

  1. I love, love this post, Michael! I’m not normally up so early to read your posts so quickly, but this morning our cat woke me up so I stayed awake. I’m so glad your trip to Alaska was so amazing!


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