Alaska – Whales! (Part 3)

We recently took a family vacation to Alaska. This trip has been a goal of ours since we had kids. When we were married we took an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon trip but said we wanted to go back and just experience Alaska as a family and not part of the cruise crowds. I’m super thankful we finally got to go on this trip. For the month of July I’ll be posting some of my photos from the trip. When I got home and looked through my camera I had over 500 pictures on my camera and iPhone. I whittled that down to 82, from the 82 I’ll share some of our memories from the trip so I can look back on it in the future.

During our time in Seward we booked two different whale watching trips because seeing a whale was very high on our list. Unfortunately sea sickness got the best of my crew on both of these trips. On both trips the tough part was when the tour would get further out toward the ocean from Resurrection Bay. We were able to see whales but with the seas I was unable to get many photos plus was trying to take care of sea sick family.

The views from these trips were amazing!

Barely did get a photo of this one with the rocking boat!

1st Time To See Whales

Another activity we did there in Seward was a dog sledding trip. My family really enjoyed this!

We stayed in Anchorage at the Lakefront Anchorage. On our first morning before leaving for Seward we did a little walking around the lake by the hotel.

I’m really proud of these next three photos by my daughter. I had to go in for a minute so I left the camera with her and she took them by herself. I guess she’s learning!

With photography I always say the biggest key is being out there taking pictures. I’m sure not to catch anything sitting inside. I don’t care where you are or what camera your using, take pictures if you like photos!

Next week I’ll finish up with Part 4 Thanks for reading along so far. I’ll post again next Thursday. Please subscribe below if you’d like to receive an e-mail when I do post.

Alaska Trip Part1

Alaska Trip Part2

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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