Back To The Heat and Humidity (Part 4)

We recently took a family vacation to Alaska. This trip has been a goal of ours since we had kids. When we were married we took an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon trip but said we wanted to go back and just experience Alaska as a family and not part of the cruise crowds. I’m super thankful we finally got to go on this trip. For the month of July I’ll be posting some of my photos from the trip. When I got home and looked through my camera I had over 500 pictures on my camera and iPhone. I whittled that down to 82, from the 82 I’ll share some of our memories from the trip so I can look back on it in the future.

Before it ends let me talk about another spot, Beluga Point. My kids really enjoyed Beluga Point. It was a little past Potter’s Marsh on the way to Seward. It was a tough walk but they loved playing in the woods there. We did not see any whales while there as I think they were a little further out at the moment but we did see a few sealions and birds.

Now it’s time for the long flight back home. It was 6.5 hours to Houston, TX which we flew overnight. I watched the sunset over Canada then rise over Texas in the flight. When we landed back in Little Rock, AR at 10:45 am Saturday morning after leaving Anchorage about 9:00 pm Friday night I was still wearing a flannel shirt and vest, I had to lose that quick! Thankfully I did think to put on a t-shirt under the flannel shirt for when we got back.

Goodbye Alaska!

That ends the sharing on our Alaska trip. This was a “bucket list” trip for us and one I’m very glad we were able to do with the kids. Thanks for reading along. I’ll start a new weekly series next Thursday. Please subscribe below if you’d like to receive an e-mail when I do post.

Do me a favor. Do you have a favorite photo from this trip? Please send me a message and let me know which it was if you did. I was going to try to pick one but so far I haven’t been able to.

Alaska Part 1

Alaska Part 2

Alaska Part 3

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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