Chasing The Roseate Spoonbill – Gator (Part 3)

Today I’m continuing with my series of posts of my going after taking photos of the Roseate Spoonbill Bird. Still no photo yet but will keep trying and will share photos from my trips out here. I believe I saw one flying the other day at Choctaw Island Wildlife Management Area (WMA) West Block but was not close enough for a photo. I went back a few days later to the same spot on Choctaw to try and get closer to the spot I believe I saw it flying. As I was watching some wading birds and a whitetail deer I looked downward closer in the water to me and saw something I wasn’t sure what it was from where I stood looking at it through my fogged up glasses.

It was a small alligator

I snapped a few photographs of it then it came a little closer. Now I know some who are way afraid of gators but they’ve never really worried me at a good distance. My wife called me as I was taking these photographs and I told her about the gator and she said, “please be careful!”

Wow, looking at these photographs side by side for the first time…I’ve got to work on my white balance!

This post will be my last from Choctaw West on this trip. Next week I’ll be sharing photos from a few different spots which some of them are of a bird I’ve never seen before and was glad to get some photos of it.

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael