Chasing The Roseate Spoonbill – Let’s Ride The Levee (Part 5)

I’m still trying to get a picture of the Roseate Spoonbill. Let’ review a bit this journey. I saw one flying over a couple weeks ago but couldn’t get a picture of it, since it’s been on my list of wanting to see one up-close and get a photograph of it. It’s been very hot here lately so I’ve just been try to see one on some road trips. Talking to my supervisor who is very talented birder he told me about eBird. I’ve looked at sighting reports on this site and see there are observations on this bird nearby. I’m going to continue my trips for a little while. On this ride I drove the Mississippi River levee from Lake Village to Arkansas City. The levee is always a great spot to see wildlife from. I did see some wildlife but not a Roseate Spoonbill. One of my favorite sighting was of some Wild Turkeys. I almost didn’t see them as they were feeding in the shadows. I wouldn’t have seen them but I had to stop when I met another vehicle on the levee and when I went to go again I saw them.

While talking to my supervisor about this ride he mentioned it was on the ride before he’s seen an Anhinga bird. Looking at my photos finally last night (almost two weeks later) I see I got a picture of an Anhinga and did not realize it. I was watching a bird fly over to a tree top and snapped a few pictures but did not realize there was an Anhinga in the tree top already until I reviewed the photographs. On this drive I kept telling myself not to stop for every wading bird I saw but I’m glad I did on this one.

Other Chasing Roseate Spoonbills Posts:

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Thank So Much! -Michael

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