Storytime (Part 2): Turned Around

Which Way? Ever felt that way, where you don’t know which way to go? I started this story a week before last but completely forgot to post part 2 last week with my griping on the heat last week! So let’s continue…

I did a little walking around the tails of Lake Monticello the other day. Now let me say my excuse before I even start, this area has been under a lot of work since I’ve been out there.

I walked to the end of the trail that was being worked on. I had a spot in mind that I wanted to get to but couldn’t with the trail construction so I thought hey let’s just walk through the woods. I quickly realized the woods were too thick so I turned around to get back to the trail. I use a GPS app on my phone for navigation mostly these days (more on that in part 3 of this story). I used the app to get me back to the trail and headed back (at least I thought).

It was hot! Thankfully I had plenty of water. I did not look at my phone but thought I was going right but soon found myself at a dead end. I looked again at my phone, got a bearing for walking, and headed of. The key here was slowing down and pausing to think for a minute. Before I just wanted to be back in the A/C and did not pause to think and look at my reference (GPS). I knew I could have just walked the long bank back to my truck and even though it would be much longer I would get to my truck. I also knew I could call many friends who were close by for a ride out. Just like in part 1 of this story I had options.

The work done around Lake Monticello is looking great!
An old trail reference marker from years ago at Lake Monticello

I want to say thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. To say thanks more I have a few free phone wallpapers here.

Please do me a favor, if you enjoyed the post please share it with a friend.

A poster with one of my favorite photos can be purchased here.

Thank So Much! -Michael

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