Eclipse 2024

Yeah, yeah buy me a t-shirt but just returned from Lake Ouachita watching the eclipse. I must say it was an awesome experience, I did not think it would have been like it was. I’ve watched a few before in the past but never experienced totality.

1:00 PM: it’s starting to get a little darker but still pretty bright.

1:30 PM: it’s getting darker.

But then totality came…

It was like a sunset in the middle of the afternoon! I tried snapping a photo of the sun but realized afterwards I did not have my settings right for a decent picture, there’s no way I could do this scene justice. I was an awesome sight.

We then joined the crowd of vehicles leaving west Arkansas. These towns have probably not seen traffic like this in a while (if ever).

2 thoughts on “Eclipse 2024

  1. [image]
    I will never be able to comprehend the GREATNESS of my heavenly Father, and as I age I look forward to the day when I kneel in his presence! What an AWESOME GOD we serve😀🙏

    For me, the earthly party experience we had the last two days began when you and Nicolas made the long drive to Little Fir. I’m so thankful we were able to spend the time together ♥️

    Sent from my iPhone


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