My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 6)

Today is one year since my surgery.  I have survived a year.  I am different from who I was before my surgery.  In this year I have gone from someone who was unconscious, to someone who was conscious but unable to do hardly any movement, to someone who could move but was in a life … Continue reading My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 6)

My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 4)

I have mentioned several times here my faith.  It has been key in my life and recovery.  Going back to the story of Lazarus. It says "Jesus wept".  I heard it talked about the other day that as Jesus healed and brought Lazarus back to life he wept first.  He wept because of the loss … Continue reading My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 4)

My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 3)

As I mentioned before, one of the books I recently read was "Atomic Habits" by James Clear.  Again I could not recommend it more if you've not read it.  I am trying to work on developing habits for myself.  I do have goals but habits are something I want to add to my list.  I … Continue reading My Story: After The Tragedy (Part 3)