Almost Missed It…Sunrise

On Tuesday and Thursday mornings I go workout. I go before daylight and finish right around sunrise. The other day I walked out and got in my truck (tired) and noticed the amazing sunrise. I started thinking about how I could continue East towards one of my favorite sunrise spots here in town but of course was in a hurry and just thought I’d catch a sunrise when I have more time. Ever put something off and think “some other time“? Happens to me all the time.

I drove a little ways east towards town and the scene in front of me was amazing! I pulled quickly into a parking lot and took a few photographs. I almost did not take this photo, but I’m thankful I did. As I took these photos the sunrise faded. If I had tried going further East I probably would have been late for work and most likely without a photograph!

I’ve got another “almost missed it” post coming next week, so please come back and catch me kicking myself for almost missing an amazing opportunity again (you’d think I’d learn).

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-Michael Gilbert

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